Heart Attack – Hypnosis

Therapy in the Hypnosis Trance State
Probably the best way that I can allow people to gain an understanding of the capabilities of Clinical Hypnotherapy is for them to read the below article that was published in a magazine called ‘Natural Bloom” in 2004 , which is about one of the Clients that came to see me in 1998. Will, (not his real name) I spoke to him last in February 2012 and I am pleased to report ...

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Hypnosis FAQ



  1. What IS hypnosis?
  2. Does a hypnotized person give up control?
  3. How does hypnosis feel?
  4. How do we induce hypnosis?
  5. How may I learn self-hypnosis?
  6. What is the difference between hypnosis and hypnotherapy?



  1. What IS hypnosis?
  2. Does a hypnotized person give up control?
  3. How does hypnosis feel?
  4. How do we induce hypnosis?
  5. How may I learn self-hypnosis?
  6. What is the difference between hypnosis and hypnotherapy?
  7. What books and/or other sources can you recommend?
  8. How can I choose a competent hypnosis instructor?
  9. Which courses or instructors come highly recommended?
  10. If I have a natural gift, why should ...
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Omstreden herinneringen

Omstreden Herinneringen

– Persbericht

Belangrijk persbericht over het “terughalen” van herinneringen.

Kan iemand seksueel misbruikt worden, dat vergeten, en het zich later weer gaan herinneren? Heeft al het seksueel misbruik dat mensen zich herinneren ook werkelijk plaatsgevonden? En wat is de rol van therapeuten in dit veld van herinneren, vergeten, hervinden en inbeelden? Over deze lastige en gevoelige kwesties vroeg de minister van Volksgezondheid, Welzijn en Sport advies aan de Gezondheidsraad. Vandaag presenteert de raad een uitgebreid ...

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